Letter from the Editor

Years ago, I attended a screening of a movie I still think about from time to time. Quite dated now, The Power of One is the fictional tale of a white South African boy named PK who deals a blow to the loathsome apartheid system. Clearly, the boy is the central character, but the name of the film is inaccurate: At no point does PK fight social injustice alone. Wherever he goes, someone (almost always Black, but somehow ironically unsung) teaches him a valuable lesson or fuels his feisty spirit.

Launching the Insider feels sort of like that. I’m just one person trying mightily to put out an entire newspaper (extra mightily because I just had foot surgery and can’t drive), yet I couldn’t do it without some dedicated volunteer contributors. The more input I receive from the community, the more the Insider will resonate with our town’s values and concerns. And so, I hope you will share what’s on your mind with me. I want to help spread the word about your good news: Dean’s list? Check. Promotion? Check. I would be honored to post your loved ones’ obituaries in a way that celebrates their lives. Most of all, I’d like to hear what you enjoy reading so far—it will help me deliver more of what you’d like to see.

I may have founded the Insider, but this isn’t really about the power of one. It’s about the power of us.

Yours in Scarsdale love,

Deborah Skolnik
Editor In Chief

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