Incident Insider

Multiple-car accidents, is that a drone?, and yes, couples fight in assisted living too.


Incident Insider: Scarsdale Police Reports Dec. 16-Dec. 22, 2024

By Eve Marx 

Scammed by fake crypto dealer 

A Drake Road caller Dec. 16 reported they’d been scammed out of $1500 after receiving a call two days earlier from someone who said they were with Coinbase and that he would have to move a crypto account from one virtual account to another or risk losing his funds. He did as was requested before realizing he’d been scammed. He contacted Coinbase customer service and they said he would need to provide a police report before they could proceed looking into refunding his money. Police  provided him with the necessary paperwork and no further assistance was requested. 

Oops, wrong driveway

A Crossway caller Dec. 16 said there was a car in their driveway they didn’t recognize. Soon after police arrived, the operator of that vehicle appeared and said they mistakenly parked in the wrong driveway. 

Patrons argue then leave store abruptly 

An employee at the 7-Eleven store on Scarsdale Avenue told police Dec. 16 about two people who argued inside the store but left. A report was made for documentation. 

Two women in a black Mercedes 

Suspicious activity was reported Dec. 17 by a caller on Catherine Road. A UPS driver said two women in a black Mercedes stopped him three times trying to get a package to be delivered at a specific address. He declined to hand it over. Police went to that address and the homeowner said they weren’t aware of the women. Police looked for the Mercedes without success. 

Flashlights after dark arouse suspicions

A Deerfield Lane caller Dec. 17 also reported suspicious activity involving multiple people with flashlights walking around a property under construction. Police spoke to one of the men who said they work with a heating company and they were dropping off equipment to be installed the next day. Police verified there was no problem and everyone went on their way. 

Bark! Bark! Bark! 

Dogs were reported barking Dec. 17 at an address on Kellwyne Road. The caller said they’d been barking for two hours. Police spoke with a nanny at the address who was unaware the dogs were making noise and brought them inside. 

Drones are boring 

A drone was reported by a Garden Road caller Dec. 18. Police didn’t see it. 

Larcenous behavior at the high school 

Petty larceny was reported at the high school Dec. 18; the reporting party said the electrical meter and master lock were removed without authorization. The value of the missing property is around $250. A scooter was also reported stolen from school property Dec. 20. No value was assigned to the missing equipment. 

At no financial loss at this time 

Identity theft was reported Dec. 18 by a Brookby Road caller who said multiple unauthorized charges were made to her credit card to the tune of about $1200. Her bank requested she provide a police report. She said she’s not at any financial loss at this time. 

Three-car pile up

Three cars piled into each other Dec. 19 at Fox Meadow Road and Crane Road. It started with one car failing to yield the right of way. One person complained of back pain but refused medical treatment after being evaluated on scene by Scarsdale Ambulance. The ages of the involved parties ranged from 16 to 77. 

Four car collision 

One person was injured Dec. 19 in a four-car collision at Weaver Street and Manor Lane. One car was fully stopped at the time of the collision. Scarsdale firefighters and ambulance crew members were on scene. One person was transported to the White Plains ER after complaining of shoulder and back pain. 

Marital woes at assisted living 

A caller Dec. 20 on Saxon Woods Road reported her husband was forcibly removed from his apartment by staff at the residence. Police arrived and spoke with a nursing supervisor who said the two can’t sleep in the same room together because of a past dispute and that it was a policy not to put them back together until the dispute was resolved. The caller was advised of the policy but said she was against it. Her son-in-law became involved and said she has declining mental health and increasing dementia. Police checked with her husband who was in another room; he said he was fine with that. 

Reported mold, told she’s evicted 

A caller on Clarence Road Dec. 21 said her landlord is at her home and won’t leave. He was gone when police arrived. She told police dangerous mold was found in the home and she reported it to him. She said he took pictures, denied the mold, and told her she was evicted and needed to get out by Jan. 1. She said he then used her computer. A report was made for documentation. 

Girls just wanna have fun 

A caller Dec. 21 on Griffen Avenue reported three young women rang her doorbell and then ran off. She accused them of being intoxicated. Police checked the area but didn’t find them.

Coyote sighting 

A coyote reported Dec. 22 in a backyard on Griffen Avenue was gone prior to police arrival. 

Intoxicated man arrested at the scene of an accident 

A New Milford, CT man, 36, was arrested Dec. 22 for driving while intoxicated, refusing to take a breath test, and for failing to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle in the vicinity of the Scarsdale High School on Post Road. That night around 11:20 p.m. police observed an accident at that location. One man was determined to be impaired by alcohol. He was arrested, processed and released and scheduled to appear in court Jan. 8. 

This report was made from official reports provided by the Scarsdale Police Department. 


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