Incident Insider

Parenting tips, scammed on Next Door, and porch pirates


Incident Insider: Scarsdale Police Reports Jan. 20 - Feb. 2

By Eve Marx 

Traffic was not hindered 

A caller Jan. 27 on Heathcote Road complained about a woman sitting in a burgundy car, blocking the roadway. On arrival police spoke with the operator, a Con Ed employee working with a team at an address on the street. Traffic was not hindered by her car, police said. 

Lost phone 

A caller Jan. 27 said they lost their Samsung phone in the vicinity of Gaylord and Boulevard. They said the phone was in a black case. 

Parenting assistance needed 

A parent on Cambridge Road Jan. 27 asked police for assistance with their son whom they had a verbal argument with over WiFi. The parent took away the child’s phone and the child became angry. An officer spoke with the dad about possible methods to get his son to listen. No further action was taken at this time. 

Keys locked inside car 

An Edgewood Road caller Jan. 28 reported they needed help retrieving their keys which they’d accidentally locked inside the car. A tow company was notified to be of assistance. 


A Town of Mamaroneck truck traveling Jan. 28 northbound on State Highway 125 responding to an emergency call with lights and sirens activated sideswiped a car stopped in traffic also traveling northbound. Police say the truck was trying to go around the stopped car. The car was damaged but not the truck. No one was injured. 

Waiting to pick up his son 

A caller Jan. 28 on Archer Lane was concerned about a car parked outside her house for an extended period of time. She said she’d checked with a neighbor who didn’t recognize the car. Police spoke with the man who said he was waiting to pick up his son who was inside a nearby residence and there was no problem. 

Just give me the paperwork 

A Brewster Road caller Jan. 29 came to headquarters to report she was missing an expensive handbag and would like to speak with an officer. She said on Dec. 30 she noticed the bag was missing from her bedroom after she’d given her contractor permission to work inside the house. She said she just wanted the incident documented for insurance. 

Unsure about man at the door 

A Shawnee Road resident Jan. 31 reported a man who keeps coming to her door. She doesn’t respond. She thinks he may be a Con Ed surveyor but isn’t sure. Police told her to call them when he comes back. 

Visiting a friend at the school maybe not such a good idea

A caller on Continental Road Jan. 31 reported a young man she thought was suspicious who seemed agitated outside the Quaker Ridge School. The caller said the man appeared upset and then got into his car and sped off. Police located him soon after. He said he’d been at the school to see a friend who works there. Police confirmed the friend is an employee of the school. 

He probably shouldn’t be driving 

A Bronx man, 32, was arrested Feb. 1 for using a car without a court-ordered Interlock device; speeding; and operating an unregistered vehicle. Police arrested him on Heathcote Road during a traffic enforcement in the vicinity of Duck Pond Road. He was observed traveling westbound at a high rate of speed. During the subsequent traffic stop, he showed a NY state driver’s license; police checking saw it had a restriction. Three summonses were issued and the man was given an appearance ticket to be in court Feb. 19.  

Payment by check a bad idea 

Grand larceny was reported Jan. 31 by a Walworth Avenue resident who said she was scammed out of $2,270 after a transaction she made selling a bed on the social media page Next Door and was paid with a bad check. Police are investigating. 

Stolen packages 

A Gatehouse Road resident reported grand larceny Jan. 31 regarding a stolen package. The caller’s Ring camera showed the package being removed from the caller’s porch by a man dressed in black, wearing a medical mask. 

Petty larceny was reported Jan. 31 by a Colvin Road resident reporting packages stolen. What was in the packages or their value was not specified, and no description was given of the possible thief who took them. 

This report was made from official reports provided by the Scarsdale Police Department. 


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