Incident Insider
Rough weather, unhappy citizens, and a cremation that got out of hand.
Incident Insider: Scarsdale Police Report Feb. 17-Feb. 24, 2025
By Eve Marx
Stormy weather causes problems all day
A caller Feb. 17 reported a tree down and lying on power lines in the vicinity of Drake Road and Obry Drive. Police on arrival positioned caution tape around the fallen tree until emergency services arrived.
A caller Feb. 17 on Sherbrooke Road said a tree came down on their property, resulting in property damage.
New Rochelle police requested assistance Feb. 17 with a tree down at Weaver Street and Old Lyme Road. Con Ed said it was on its way. The road was reopened shortly after.
A street sign blew off its pole and into the roadway at Palmer Avenue and Mamaroneck Road Feb. 17. The sign was removed from the roadway. The highway department was advised.
A chunk of someone’s fence blew into the road at Weaver Street and the Hutchinson River Parkway Feb. 17. New Rochelle police were also advised.
What’s up, doc A patient is hounding a doctor with unsettling phone calls.
Photo: Icons
Patient harasses doctor
A medical office on Bradford Road reported Feb. 17 that one of their doctors was receiving harassing threats from a patient. Police spoke to the doctor who said this is an ongoing issue. The threats are verbal only. Documentation was made of the repeated incidents.
Collision with injuries
A collision with injuries Feb. 17 on the Hutchinson River Parkway northbound at Milepost 10.7 resulted in one occupant being transported to the hospital with injuries. Both cars were removed by tow.
Who’s that at my door?
A caller on Axtel Drive Feb. 17 said a man in baggy jeans and wearing a baseball cap showed up on his Ring camera coming to his door; the caller said he wasn’t home and asked if police could check his property. They did, and saw nothing unusual. The described man was nowhere to be seen.
Blinded by the light A lost kid with a flashlight alarmed a neighbor.
Photo: William Carlson @wickedflamefilms
Wrong house, buddy
A Bradley Road caller reported Feb. 17 a male with a flashlight was on his property. He later told police his neighbor’s son was having friends over and one of the kids was confused about the correct address.
Pothole causes driver woes
A caller Feb. 18 on Stratton Road and Mamaroneck Road said he blew a tire due to a pothole. Police arrived and saw the disabled car and the pothole. A tow was called for the car. The highway department was notified about the pothole and asked to fix it.
Trespassing party uses caller’s grill to stay warm
A caller on Circle Road told police Feb. 18 sometime overnight an unknown person went into his backyard and used his grill and his propane to keep warm; several chairs were moved around as the person tried to get comfortable. He said no entry was attempted to be gained to his home and only wanted to document the incident.
Mom requests welfare check when kids are with their dad
A Meadow Road caller Feb. 18 asked police to check on her three kids who were with their dad. There is a split custody arrangement. Police went to the father’s home and he described a conversation the kids had with their mom where she was talking trash about him so he cut the call short. Police said two female children appeared upset but not in any danger. A boy was asleep. The mother was notified of what police observed in the home which was no one in danger.
The curse of the angry resident A dissastisfied man subjected a Town Hall employee to a cuss-filled tirade.
Unhappy with the service
A Scarsdale court clerk Feb. 21 on Post Road advised police they have an individual cursing at the court clerk window. They said an irate man dissatisfied with the Village government was having a verbal meltdown. The man calmed down before police arrived and soon left without further incident.
Cremation creates extra smoke and flames
Firefighters went to a cremation facility on Secor Road Feb. 21 after flames and smoke were reported more intense than normal while a body was burning inside a cremation chamber within the Ferncliff Cemetery building. Hartsdale and Fairview fire departments also responded as mutual aid. The situation was deemed under control less than an hour after the call for help was received.
Missing firearm
A man, 74, walked into headquarters Feb. 21 to report one of his guns was missing from his home on Post Road. A report was made and proper paperwork was submitted.
Missing an earring? A woman left a lost one with police.
Gold earring found
A Yorktown woman, 99, came to police headquarters to report they’d found a single gold earring Feb. 22 on Chase Road. The item was photographed and put into safekeeping.
Don’t take my picture
A caller on East Parkway Feb. 23 told police a man was photographing her against her wishes. He told police he was taking pictures of the area and was well within his constitutional rights to aim his camera where he pleased. Police separated the two parties who each went on their way.
Speeding driver caught and issued lots of summonses
A White Plains man, 27, was arrested on Post Road and Huntington Avenue Feb. 23 and charged with aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle, driving without a mandated interlock device, and speeding, after being pulled over for a traffic stop by an officer patrolling the area. He was placed under arrest and brought to headquarters for processing. He was released on his own recognizance and issued a summons to appear in court March 12.
This report was made from official reports provided by the Scarsdale Police Department.