Incident Insider

No one does a police blotter like EVE MARX. You loved her in the Inquirer, and you’ll love her here in the Insider, too.


[Photo credit: Pexels from Freerange Stock]

Scarsdale Police Report, Aug. 5-Aug. 12

Child not alone 

A caller Aug. 5 reported a child standing by themself very close to the Bronx River Parkway in the vicinity of Crane Road. Patrol contacted county police who said the child was with his dad on the bike path and there was no problem. 

Just working here 

A caller Aug. 5 reported a man walking back and forth to a white Chevy van parked in the vicinity of Highland and Oak Lane. He found this highly suspicious. Police spoke to the man, who said he was working at a construction site. Nothing further was needed.  

Bored and blonde  

Teens were reported on bikes behind a business on Wilmot Road Aug. 5; the caller said they were causing trouble and throwing rocks. They were both described as blondes. On arrival, police saw two fair-haired boys speaking with a business owner. They admitted to throwing rocks and were advised that it was wrongful behavior. An officer checked the exterior of the business building for property damage, which was minimal. The business owner did not wish to press charges but requested a report. Both boys were released to the custody of their parents. 

Found wallet 

A wallet found Aug. 5 at the DeCicco’s Market on E. Parkway was turned in to the police and vouchered for safekeeping. 

It’s NYPIRG time again 

A Windmill Circle resident Aug. 5 said a man wearing a black shirt, glasses, and a backpack and carrying a clipboard knocked at her door twice. Police made contact with the young man, who identified himself as a student summer employee of NYPIRG.  

[Photo credit: tonodiaz on Freepik]


A Tompkins Road resident reported Aug. 5 that his home was burgled while his family wasn't there. Five hundred dollars in cash was reported stolen and doors valued at $1,500 were damaged during the illegal entry. Police arrived and checked the interior, which was clear. Detectives arrived to collect evidence. The incident is under investigation. 

Just waiting on the cleaning crew 

A caller Aug. 6 on Fox Meadow Road reported a woman sleeping in her parked car, which was running. Police made contact and she said she was waiting for her cleaning crew to finish working at the residence next door. No further action was required. 

Unauthorized purchases 

Grand larceny was reported Aug. 6 at a residence on Garden Road. Fifty thousand dollars was reported stolen. The caller said unauthorized purchases were made on her credit card along with additional funds. A report was made for documentation to give to her bank to refund her money. 


Police went to a Quaker Center residence Aug. 6 after White Plains police contacted them about a teenager whose vehicle broke down earlier in their jurisdiction. The inquiring officer just wanted to make sure the kid was safely home. The teen and a parent came to the door and said all was well; this information was relayed back to the concerned officer. 

So quick to blame the neighbor

A Hamilton Road resident Aug. 6 wanted to speak to an officer about her neighbor, who she said tosses trash all around. Police met with her and explained the debris was likely all over the place due to the stormy wild weather. 

Water department to the rescue 

Basement flooding was reported Aug. 7 at a home on Shawnee Road. The water department responded and said a department employee was en route. 

Couple frequently argues 

An Edgewood Road caller Aug. 7 called police to say she and her husband were arguing that evening and they needed an officer to intervene. Police arrived and advised they stay in separate areas of the house until the morning. In the morning she called again to say her husband tossed out all her food and her mail. An officer came by to talk to them. The husband said he threw out her old, expired food but her mail was untouched. He said he was leaving for work and left the house. On Aug. 8 he called the police to say his wife was “out of control” and throwing food. Police mediated the dispute and the couple agreed to stay away from each other. 

Unwanted visitor 

A Greendale Road caller Aug. 8 said a woman showed up in a black Acura and for no reason asked to come inside her house. She was gone before police arrived.  

House check requested 

An inquiring party at an undisclosed address reported Aug. 8 asked police to check on a vacant property near her home that appears on the state auction site. She said her broker told her a back door and some windows were unsecured. Police went to check on the home, which they described as derelict. It was not secure; the officer entered and saw things in disarray. Otherwise, all appeared in order and no one appeared to have been squatting in it. The officer attempted to lock the home without success. 

Snatched within minutes 

A Ridgecrest East caller reported Aug. 8 that items left in his driveway were stolen within half an hour of being placed outside. Reported snatched were a dining table and four chairs, a storage cabinet, a bedside table, a Yves St. Laurent purse valued at $3,000, and some very expensive luggage. The victim is a 22-year-old male who lives in Manhattan. A report was made. Police are investigating. 

Neon shirt 

A caller Aug. 8 on Fairview Road reported a man wearing a neon shirt, a jacket, and a hat was looking at his property. Police went to the location but the man was gone. They spoke with a neighbor who said they were having some construction work done at their home and the man they saw was likely the contractor. 

Missing passport 

A caller on Edgewood Road Aug. 8 reported his passport was missing from his home. He said after recently moving from NYC to his new residence in Scarsdale, he couldn’t find his foreign passport. He asked for a police report to give to his embassy. Police issued him the necessary paperwork and no further assistance was requested. 

[Photo credit: Joe Stoltz from Pixabay]

Dog at large 

A caller Aug. 8 reported her dog was attacked by a pit bull at the intersection of Tunstall Road and Barry Road; both dogs took off in unknown directions. She described the other dog as large and white and wearing a purple collar. Her dog, which was not described, broke out of its harness and fled. Police found her dog waiting for her at its own address. They searched for the big white dog without success. A couple of hours later, the caller reported she thought she knew where the white dog lives. Police went to that address and spoke to the owner, who said her dog had gotten out and she heard something but saw nothing. She provided current vaccination information to the officer and was issued a ticket for the dog at large. 

Forged check leads to grand larceny 

Grand larceny, forgery, and identity theft were reported Aug. 9 at a home on Crossway. The victim, female and elderly, said $60,000 as well as personal identity information were stolen from her using a forged check. Police advised her how to protect her financials and a report was made for her bank. 

Lost but not helpless 

An elderly woman called 911 Aug. 9 to say she was lost and needed help finding and getting to a hotel for the night. Police found her on Hampton Road and told her about a few hotels in White Plains where she might stay. An officer showed her how to use her phone GPS and no further assistance was requested. 

Self-automated lawn mowers 

A caller Aug. 9 on Roosevelt Place said a remote-control car was being operated that follows her when she walks by. Police went by her home and saw self-automated lawn mowers in use and told her there was nothing suspicious. 

Check fraud 

A Harwood Road caller Aug. 9 reported check fraud was committed after an unknown party washed a check they wrote for their business that hadn't been cleared. The check turned up at a bank in North Carolina made out to a different name and amount. The caller’s bank said they were doing their own investigation and the caller requested a report be made for documentation. 

Just moved in 

A Wayside Lane resident Aug. 11 said they’d argued with their teen son who fled the residence. The caller, who said they were just moving in, told police the argument began when he asked his son to get off the phone and give him a hand. It was suggested the teen likely just went for a walk to cool off. The dad said he’d call back if he didn’t return. 

This report was made from official reports provided by the Scarsdale Police Department. 


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